Hidden horror of school sex assaults revealed by AP

____ ____ was 12 when they came after him. The classmates who tormented him were children, too, entering the age of pimples and cracking voices.

Eventually, he swore under oath, the boys raped him and left him bleeding, the culmination of a year of harassment. Though ____ repeatedly told teachers and administrators about insults and physical attacks, he didn’t report being sexually assaulted until a year later, launching a long legal fight over whether his school had done enough to protect him. Full Article

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Seems like money and focus would be much better spent on programs like “good Touch bad touch” rather than focusing on a non-problem.

The state required every public school to report any offense by a student involving sexual assault or sexual battery, regardless of whether it led to suspension or expulsion. The state defined those offenses broadly to include any forcible oral, anal or vaginal penetration, lewd behavior with someone 15 or younger, and unwanted intimate touching through or under clothes for arousal or gratification. California reported 4,630 such student offenses over the four-year period.”

4630 student incidents ZERO Registered Citizen incidents. This stat needs to be included in every letter to Appropriations.

they never have solid stats it’s always under reporting and estimations. no facts ever.. and this crap of someone coming forward months or years later is ridiculous since it’s all hear say and based on simply what someone says while any real evidence has long been destroyed and they can’t test people physically for evidence to back up their claims and im going to do what they do and without any stats or knowledge I bet most of the time it’s probably a bunch of bs of someone getting but hurt, excuse the pun, over something someone did or didn’t do..its crazy that you can convict someone just in someone’s word without any evidence at all….we should all start claiming all our teachers any government officials we’ve ever had contact sexually assaulted us and clog the courts and overwhelme the cops…thay can’t prove it didn’t happen in most cases so it must be true if we’re willing to swear an oath to it…insanity….

“There is — as there should be — always an inclination to believe allegations of sexual assault at the outset,” district lawyer Melissa Hewey said in an email to AP. “But sometimes, the evidence compels the conclusion that those allegations are false.”

Wow, really? Is that what she would say if it were her son who said students or a teacher raped him? To suggest that all allegations are false is disconcerting to me.

Most, if not all schools in the United States have zero tolerance policies. Clearly these policies do little to suppress any inappropriate behaviors schools suggest they are intolerant to. It’s time to bring back the days where a bully would get a beat down for his actions.